Tag: social networking

The Mesh: Why the Future of Business is Sharing (Book Review)

January 3, 2012 Book Reviews no comments

The Mesh Future Economy

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Every now and then, you pick up a book which offer such a compelling new idea that you simply cannot put down. The Mesh: Why the Future of Business is Sharing by Lisa Gansky is one such title.

In an increasingly crowded, economically uncertain, and environmentally damaged world, people are becoming increasingly wary about the financial and personal burden of buying and owning stuff.

Voting for a Social Nation – Book Review

April 13, 2011 Book Reviews 2 comments

How does one leverage on the power of social communities? What does it mean to build a “Social Nation”?

I found out the answers to these and more after reading Barry Libert’s breezy volume Social Nation. The CEO of Mzinga, Libert declares in his book that organisational success lies with tapping on the collective power of employees, stakeholders, partners, and customers – both online and offline. To do so, one needs to develop social skills to complement one’s other strengths (physical, informational, and emotional).