Fake news on social media is “YUGE!” And the problem is a global one that is growing by the day.
Apparently, false news from unreliable websites overtook accurate news from reliable websites in the 2016 US presidential election.
Fake news on social media is “YUGE!” And the problem is a global one that is growing by the day.
Apparently, false news from unreliable websites overtook accurate news from reliable websites in the 2016 US presidential election.
Background photo created by jcomp – www.freepik.com
You know what puzzles me about businesses in Singapore?
The fact that many are still ignoring social media. Or claiming that social media marketing doesn’t work because they’ve tried it and it didn’t work. Or that their customers aren’t on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or Pinterest.
Photo by Kaboompics.com from Pexels
Storytelling is both an anchor and compass for social media marketing.
Good stories can help to enliven your brand. Great stories can thrust you into the dizzying heights of social media stardom. (Well at least until the next big thing comes along.)
Wondering how to do social media marketing for your B2B business? Keen to learn the best practices in B2B social media marketing?
As social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and LinkedIn continue to grow in size and influence, it is almost a given for your B2B business to have a social media presence.
By now, many of you would have read about Facebook’s impending changes to the News Feed algorithm.
Announced by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg himself, this latest move by the social media behemoth sent shock waves around the world. It also forced many social media marketers to rethink their strategies.
Can content marketing work with fashion design, apparel retail and merchandising? What content marketing strategies and ideas can you use in fashion?
The truth is that traditional retail is dying. And the prognosis is dire for small independent fashion boutiques.
credit: unsplash
Facebook is the biggest social media channel in town. However, Instagram is catching up, and new platforms are attempting to rise and take some of the limelight, like Snapchat and newcomer Gab.ai.
For now, however, Facebook remains a firm favorite. However, that doesn’t mean it’s all plain sailing for businesses looking to draw in traffic and sales.
Older than Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube, blogging is the grand daddy of social media marketing.
Focused primarily on writing long-form articles, maintaining a blogs isn’t as sexy as shooting video-based “snaps”, live streaming, or posting Instagram photos.
Do you know that your customers may spend 3 to 20 percent more if you respond to their queries? Or that 42 percent of customers who complain on social media expect a response within an hour?
With consumers spending hours each day on social media, you need to ensure that your customer care strategy is primed for social channels.
The best thing about social media marketing is that it blends the art of creativity with the science of data.
Wish to know what’s the worst thing about social media marketing? Yep, that it blends the art of creativity with the science of data!