Tag: PR

Some Tips on Corporate Blogging

November 14, 2007 Content Marketing, Social Influence no comments

Melvin, Preetam, Ian and I shared our views yesterday afternoon on a panel speaking session on business blogging recently by the Institute of Public Relations Singapore (IPRS). After some time away from social media gatherings, it was quite refreshing to share my thoughts and experiences in corporate blogging once again. The lunch talk was held at Geek Terminal, which seem to be the de facto venue for all things 2.0-ish.

The session got off pretty well and I enjoyed the animated exchanges between the panellists and the floor. Some of the key lessons which I shared were as follows:

The Death of the Press Release?

January 25, 2007 Public Relations 2 comments

Read this post by Long Tail’s Chris Anderson about how social media relations brings a different dimension compared to traditional mainstream media PR. He blogs about the dilemma faced by traditional PR practitioners as captured by this quote:

“So now imagine that you’re one of those PR professionals. What do you do? Stick with the world you know, and continue calling and emailing releases to the traditional press (trying not to notice that their ranks are shrinking and influence waning)? Start spamming bloggers, too, and hope for the best? Or just treat alpha bloggers like traditional press and shower them with love, while ignoring the rest?”

His suggestion to evolve the role of PR from external relations to internal relations is radical. Can we as PR professionals coach the numerous employees in our organisation to do the outreach through their respective social media channels instead of doing it ourselves? Chris suggested some possible topics for coaching:

Ethics and Integrity in PR

January 10, 2007 Blog 6 comments

Courtesy of Channelnewsasia

Right now, the biggest news in Singapore is the latest episode of the NKF saga, where the new management team is taking legal action against the old, especially former CEO TT Durai, for gross misappropriation of donor funds and other shenanigans. I will not elaborate on the details of this case as you can probably read it everywhere in the media.

What struck me particularly hard about this case was the issue of ethics and integrity. Of course, TT Durai himself was guilty of multiple transgressions, and he admitted as much himself.

Social Media Relations

November 22, 2006 Public Relations no comments

Came across this excellent piece from the net savvy executive on how one should manage and deal with bloggers, podcasters, you-tubers and other digital denizens. They have coined a new term for it called Social Media Relations. This could be an interesting offshoot from traditional public relations which is usually more concerned with Main Stream Media (MSM).

The key roles of Social Media Relations?

1) Coordinate the development and implementation of social media engagement strategy and policies, including blogging policy, formal blogger relations programs and social media monitoring programs.