Tag: photography

Are You a Social Media “Porn” Star?

November 13, 2014 Content Marketing, Social Influence no comments

building porn photo

We are living in the age of “porn”. And most of it has very little to do with sex.

Unlike the more salacious kind, such “porn” are usually completely safe for families and kids. Unfortunately, like their more notorious namesake, such behaviours could be addictive. Carried to extremes, they can be unhealthy for one’s mental and physical well-being.

In fact, some of us are so obsessive compulsive about capturing and sharing every waking moment that we end up suffering cold turkey if our Digital Documenting & Distribution Devices (4Ds) go haywire or are wrangled away from us!

What are the kinds of “porn” that we are talking about?

The Sky Has Fallen!!

April 28, 2008 Blog no comments

Took this photo sometime in December last year from my regular bus stop. Very atypical of a hot tropical island like Singapore and I remembered how chilly the weather was then. Effects of climate change perhaps?

Of course those days are long gone, and the weather has turned blazingly hot nowadays and suffocating even. Time to give up my car?


What Makes an Event Great?

December 26, 2006 Business and Management 3 comments

William Troy Taylor’s wedding-inspired masterpiece at the Singapore Garden Festival.

What are the secret ingredients behind a successful show able to attract the masses and become the talk of the town? How does one stand out from amongst the busloads of events, all competing for one’s share of mind, time and wallet? Are all festivals the same or are some destined for greatness while others, doomed for failure?

My recent visit to the Singapore Garden Festival triggered some fresh insights on what makes an event or exhibition delightful and memorable. Much of it, as you may have guessed, comes from months and weeks of hard behind-the-scenes work.

The Hanging Gardens of Singapore

December 24, 2006 Blog 6 comments

Merry Christmas dear visitors! Hope to add some yule-tide cheer with some greenery here.

I was recently invited for the Singapore Garden Festival as part of the delegation from the Association of Singapore Attractions. Despite only having an hour-and-a-half to do a whirlwind tour, I was left gushing after the amazing experience. The National Parks Board has done many things right this time around for the festival.

Here are some highlights of the show for the benefit of those who missed it.