Tag: community management

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Social Media Community

July 11, 2017 Social Influence 2 comments

People photo created by tirachardz – www.freepik.com

If social media content is king, then community must be queen. Indeed, the true power of social networks lies in the strengths of your online communities.

But how you can build, grow and sustain a thriving Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter or YouTube community of fans, customers and advocates? What can social media marketers like you do to improve your community management skills?

6 Myths of Content Marketing

February 24, 2015 Content Marketing 1 comment

Content Marketing 6 Myths True or False

Image source

Content marketing is all the rage now.

Fueled by our insatiable need to consume content anywhere, anytime on any digital device, it is the new mantra of Search Engine Optimized (SEO) and social-media enabled marketers around the world.

Leading global brands like Apple, Coca-Cola, Oreo, Nike, Burberry’s and Zappos are using it to build brand affinity, deepen consumer interest, and drive sales.

9 Qualities of Great Gifts

December 24, 2014 Blog, Personal Branding no comments

Generosity and Giving
Courtesy of Victoria Brain Injury Society

One of marketing maven Seth Godin’s recent post on what generosity truly is struck a deep chord with me. As we are celebrating Christmas tomorrow, I thought it would be good to highlight some of his ideas, peppered with my own perspectives.

In Godin’s own words:

“Generosity is not merely giving a discount, or giving what you make away or creating a race to the bottom. It’s far more complex than that. ” 

Monster Loyalty: Book Review

January 5, 2014 Content Marketing 1 comment

Outlandish outfits. Avant garde style. Burlesque performance artist. Mother Monster.

Born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta to Italian parents, Lady Gaga is probably the greatest pop phenomenon of the 2010s. Iconoclastic and irrepressible, her eclectic and esoteric fashion sense and explosive concert performances have always been the talk of the town.