Courtesy of Inside Retail HK
How can retail and service businesses differentiate themselves through service?
That is the age-old problem faced by numerous consumer-facing businesses here in Singapore and everywhere around the world.
Courtesy of Inside Retail HK
How can retail and service businesses differentiate themselves through service?
That is the age-old problem faced by numerous consumer-facing businesses here in Singapore and everywhere around the world.
Not all seniors are frail and embittered (courtesy of ACE)
One of the biggest mysteries about contemporary marketing is this.
Why are such an overwhelming proportion of companies in the world only obsessed with advertising or selling to the young?
Don’t they know that the youth market is going to be shrinking in the years to come, or that seniors will dominate the world’s population, especially in developed countries?
Jack Trout (courtesy of Trout & Partners)
I am not sure if I have shared this before, but my ultimate career goal is to be a consultant one day.
It is my wish to be an advisor to businesses, companies and individuals, assisting them to improve their odds in the finicky arena of the marketplace. Of course, that may be many years in the future or even a retirement job.
Should we strive to be all things to all men in marketing?
Or would it be better to focus on a few products and zoom in on specific areas of strengths?
Now you can splash those ads without fear! (courtesy of Entrepreneur magazine)
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” – John Wanamaker (1838-1922)
Sadly, this age-old problem is still faced by many CEOs and CFOs in an organisation.
We are all creators by heart (3-year old Ethan putting together a toy set)
Have you wondered why toys like LEGO, model planes and Play Doh have such a timeless appeal?
Or mused about the popularity of recipe books (and blogs) springing up everywhere?
Toys R’Us and Power Rangers – a potent kid marketing combination!
As the father of a five-and-a-half year old boy, I naturally have a deep interest in what goes into that little cranium of his.
Why is my son attracted to certain brands and products more so than others? What made his tastes in toys so different from his cousin who is merely 5 years older than him?
Statue of Walt Disney and his most famous creation (couresy of Michael Sult)
“Mickey Mouse management isn’t a joke. It’s the ticket to your business future.” – Bill Capodali and Lynn Jackson
Anybody who is into the world of entertainment knows how omnipresent the Disney brand has grown to be.
Courtesy of Fortune
The situation was tense. Time was truly of the essence.
A Nordstrom housekeeping staff at Connecticut found a customer bag together with her receipt and flight itinerary in the parking lot…
Can you deliver what your customers want – before they even ask? (Designed by Freepik)
Remember the last time you visited a store which offered you a cup of warm tea on a cold day?
How did that make you feel? Warm, welcomed, and ready to reward your hosts, I bet.